Capacity Building and Technical Support
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Chapter Four continues to develop expertise in civil liberties litigation and research, particularly in its areas of thematic focus. Therefore, we provide technical support/assistance and capacity building in these areas in order to foster the protection of human rights. We provide skills to all stakeholders involved in the work of human rights.
We afford hands-on assistance to both governmental and non-governmental entities in drafting of human rights compliant policies and laws. We provide advice, guidance and counsel in the drafting and implementation stages of human rights compliant laws and policy in Uganda.
Chapter Four provides technical reports, research and studies to strengthen the protection of civil liberties. We seek to assist, especially government agencies and relevant departments, in the preparation of technical reports and studies, also conducting studies in order to enhance the formation of law and policy that promotes the protection of civil liberties.
Our efforts are also geared towards increasing the ability of both relevant governmental and non-governmental entities to respond to new challenges and bottlenecks in the arena of human rights promotion and protection.
We conduct trainings for civil society, human rights defenders, media practitioners, pro-democracy activists, and legal practitioners. These trainings focus on upgrading of skills and institutional building for the effective protection of civil liberties.