Annual Forums for Policy Advocacy
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One of our key objectives is to raise the bar and the profile of public interest litigation as a tool for transformation in policies, laws, and practices for the protection of civil liberties. In order to do so, we have developed a program for annual conferences for stakeholders involved in human rights and public interest litigation.
These annual forums aim at attracting a diversity of experts from the national, regional, sub-regional and international contexts.
Through these forums, the experiences and approaches of public interest litigators from a variety of contexts; will enrich the engagements in these platforms and foster the development of cutting-edge, fresh and dynamic approaches to effective and deep impacting civil liberties and public interest litigation.
Further, through these annual events; Chapter Four aims to continue developing strategies to raise the profile of NETPIL, place it at the very center of quality, clinical and dynamic civil rights litigation in the country. These platforms will also be used to conduct regular evaluations of the progress and effectiveness of NETPIL.
In doing this, these annual forums will provide a context for NETPIL to do effective planning, re-focusing and prioritization for the prospective years, based on proper and meticulous appraisal of its capacity.